Genesis Advanced Technologies Cordless Drill GHD1260 User Manual |
1⁄2" 6 Amp Dual Purpose Hammer Drill
Operator’s Manual
6 Ampli Marteau-piqueur
de But Double
Manuel d’utilisation
6 Amperio Martillo perforador
Doble de Propósito
Manual del Operario
EQUiPMEnT. Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious
personal injury.
1. rEAD THE OPErATOr’S MAnUAL BEFOrE OPErATing THE MACHinE. To minimize the possible occurrence of accidents
and personal injury, learn the tool’s application, limitations, and specific potential hazards peculiar to this tool.
specified, everyday glasses provide only limited impact resistance, they are nOT safety glasses. use only certified safety equipment; eye
protection equipment should comply with ANSI Z87.1 standards. Protective hearing equipment should comply with ANSI S3.19 standards.
4. WEAr PrOPEr CLOTHing. Do not wear loose clothing, gloves, neckties, rings, bracelets, wristwatches or other jewelry that may get
caught in moving parts. Wearing nonskid footwear is recommended as well as wearing protective hair covering to contain long hair.
5. USE AnD KEEP gUArDS in PLACE and in good working order. Never operate the machine with any guard or cover removed. Check that
all guards are in place, secured, and working correctly before each use to reduce the risk of injury.
6. DO nOT USE THE TOOL in DAngErOUS EnVirOnMEnTS. Keep the work area well lighted to prevent tripping or inadvertently
placing arms, hands, or fingers in dangerous positions. Do not use power tools in damp or wet locations or in the rain which can cause shock
or electrocution.
7. KEEP THE WOrK ArEA CLEAn. Cluttered areas and benches invite accidents.
8. CHECK THE TOOL FOr DAMAgED PArTS before using the machine. Check for proper alignment of moving parts, binding of moving
parts, component breakage, and any other conditions that may affect the tool’s operation. A guard or any other part that is damaged must be
properly repaired or replaced by an authorized service center to avoid risk of personal injury.
9. rEMOVE ADJUSTing KEYS AnD WrEnCHES BEFOrE STArTing THE TOOL. Keys, wrenches, scrap, and other debris can
be thrown at high speed, possibly causing serious personal injury.
10. KEEP CHiLDrEn AnD ViSiTOrS AWAY. Your shop is a potentially dangerous environment and visitors should not be allowed to contact
any tools, extension cords, or roam about unsupervised. All visitors should wear safety glasses and be kept a safe distance from the work area.
11. MAKE THE WOrKSHOP CHiLDPrOOF by using padlocks, master switches, and by removing starter keys from tools.
12. MAinTAin ALL TOOLS AnD MACHinES WiTH CArE. Keep tools sharp and clean for best and safest performance. follow
instructions for lubricating and changing accessories.
13. DiSCOnnECT TOOLS WHEn nOT in USE, before servicing, or when changing attachments, blades, bits, cutters, etc.
14. rEDUCE THE riSK OF UninTEnTiOnAL STArTing. Check to be sure that the tool’s switch is in the “Off” position before plugging
in the power cord. Should a power failure occur, move the switch to the “Off” position. Accidental start-ups can cause serious personal injury.
15. USE THE COrrECT TOOL FOr THE JOB. Don’t force the tool or attachment to do a job for which it was not designed. Don’t use the
tool for a purpose not intended as damage to the machine and/or personal injury may result.
16. USE rECOMMEnDED ACCESSOriES. using accessories and attachments not recommended by the manufacturer or intended for
use on this type tool, may cause damage to the machine or result in personal injury to the user. Consult the operator’s manual for recommended
17. MAKE SUrE YOUr EXTEnSiOn COrD iS THE PrOPEr SiZE AnD iS in gOOD COnDiTiOn. When using an extension
cord, be sure to use one heavy enough to carry the current your product will draw. An undersized cord will cause a drop in line voltage resulting in
loss of power and tool overheating. Consult the extension Cord Chart for the correct size based on the cord length and nameplate ampere rating. If
ever in doubt, use the next heavier wire gauge cord. The smaller the gauge number, the heavier the cord.
18. SECUrE THE WOrK-PiECE. use clamps or a vise to hold the work-piece when practical. using clamps or similar mechanical device is
safer than using your hand(s) and allows you to use both hands to operate the tool. Losing control of the work-piece can cause personal injury.
1⁄2” 6 Amp Dual Purpose Hammer Drill
Operator’s Manual
19. DOn’T OVErrEACH. Maintain proper footing and balance at all times; loss of balance can cause you to fall into the working machine,
possibly causing an injury.
20. nEVEr STAnD On THE TOOL. An injury may occur if the machine is tipped or if you should unintentionally contact the cutting tool.
21. DO nOT FOrCE THE TOOL. The tool will perform the job better and safer at the feed rate for which it was designed. forcing the tool could
possibly damage the machine and may result in personal injury.
22. FEED THE WOrK-PiECE in THE COrrECT DirECTiOn AnD SPEED. feed the work-piece into a blade, cutter, or abrasive
surface against the direction of the cutting tool’s direction of rotation only. Incorrectly feeding the work-piece in the same direction as the cutting
tool rotates causes the work-piece to be thrown out at high speed.
23. nEVEr LEAVE THE TOOL rUnning UnATTEnDED. TUrn THE POWEr OFF. Don’t leave the machine until it comes to a
complete stop.
24. TUrn THE MACHinE “OFF”, AnD DiSCOnnECT THE MACHinE FrOM THE POWEr SOUrCE before adjusting or
changing set-ups, or when making repairs. An accidental start-up may occur causing personal injury.
25. nEVEr USE THE TOOL in An EXPLOSiVE ATMOSPHErE. Normal sparking of the motor could ignite fumes.
26. KEEP THE TOOL DrY, CLEAn, AnD FrEE FrOM OiL AnD grEASE. Always use a clean cloth when cleaning. Never use brake
fluids, gasoline, petroleum-based products, or any solvents to clean the tool.
27. DO nOT USE THE TOOL iF SWiTCH DOES nOT TUrn iT On AnD OFF. Have defective switches replaced by an authorized
service center.
28. USE OnLY COrrECT BLADES. Do not use blades with incorrectly sized arbor holes. Never use blade washers or blade bolts that are
defective or incorrect.
the blade is tight and not making contact with the saw or work-piece before connecting to the power supply.
30. AVOiD CUTTing nAiLS. Inspect for and remove all nails from lumber before cutting.
33. MAKE SUrE THE WOrK ArEA HAS AMPLE LigHTing to see the work and that no obstructions will interfere with safe operation
BEFOrE performing any work.
34. inSPECT TOOL COrDS PEriODiCALLY. If a damaged cord is found, have it repaired by a qualified service technician at an authorized
service facility. The conductor with insulation having an outer surface that is green with or without yellow stripes is the equipment-grounding
conductor. If repair or replacement of the electric cord or plug is required, do not connect the equipment-grounding conductor to a live terminal.
Repair/replace damaged or worn cords immediately. Be constantly aware of the cord location and keep it well away from the rotating blade.
35. POLAriZED PLUgS. To reduce the risk of electric shock, this tool has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other). This plug will fit in
a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician to
install the proper outlet. Do not change the plug in any way.
DUST, CrYSTALLinE SiLiCA DUST AnD ASBESTOS. Direct particles away from face and body. Always operate tool in
a well-ventilated area and provide for proper dust removal. Use dust collection system wherever possible. Exposure
to the dust may cause serious and permanent respiratory or other injury, including silicosis (a serious lung disease),
cancer, and death. Avoid breathing the dust, and avoid prolonged contact with the dust. Allowing dust to get into your
mouth or eyes, or lay on your skin may promote absorption of harmful material. Always use properly fitting niOSH/
OSHA approved respiratory protection appropriate for dust exposure, and wash exposed areas with soap and water.
1⁄2” 6 Amp Dual Purpose Hammer Drill
Operator’s Manual
grounded tools require a three wire extension cord. Double insulated tools can use either a two or three wire extension cord. As the
distance from the power supply outlet increases, you must use a heavier gauge extension cord. using extension cords with inadequately sized wire
causes a serious drop in voltage, resulting in loss of power and possible tool damage. Refer to the table shown below to determine the required
minimum wire size.
The smaller the gauge number of the wire, the greater the capacity of the cord. for example: a 14-gauge cord can carry a higher current than a 16-
gauge cord. When using more than one extension cord to make up the total length, be sure each cord contains at least the minimum wire size required.
If you are using one extension cord for more than one tool, add the nameplate amperes and use the sum to determine the required minimum wire size.
Guidelines for Using Extension Cords
If you are using an extension cord outdoors, be sure it is marked with the suffix “W-A” (“W” in Canada) to indicate that it is acceptable for outdoor use.
Be sure your extension cord is properly wired and in good electrical condition. Always replace a damaged extension cord or have it repaired by a
qualified person before using it.
Protect your extension cords from sharp objects, excessive heat, and damp or wet areas.
Recommended Minimum Wire Gauge for Extension Cords (120 Volt)
(At Full Load)
Extension Cord Length
25 Feet
50 Feet
75 Feet
100 Feet
150 Feet
200 Feet
DO nOT let comfort or familiarity with product (gained from repeated use) replace strict adherence to the hammer drill
safety rules. if you use this tool unsafely or incorrectly, you can suffer serious personal injury.
1. Hold the tool by insulated gripping surfaces when performing an operation where the cutting tool may contact
hidden wiring or its own cord. Contact with a “live” wire will make exposed metal parts of the tool “live” and shock the operator. Do not
drill, fasten or break into existing walls or other blind areas where electrical wiring may exist. If this situation is unavoidable, disconnect all fuses or
circuit breakers feeding this worksite.
2. Always use safety glasses or goggles. Ordinary eye or sun glasses are nOT safety glasses. uSe CeRTIfIeD SAfeTY
eQuIPMeNT. Protective eyewear should comply with ANSI Z87.1 standards. use a dust mask or respirator for operations which generate dust.
3. Wear ear/hearing protectors when using this tool for extended periods. Prolonged exposure to high intensity noise can cause
hearing loss.
4. Hold the tool firmly with both hands. Always use the auxiliary handle to prevent injury that may result from loss of control because of
high rotational force.
5. Always be sure you have firm footing and check to see no one is below when using the tool in high locations.
1⁄2” 6 Amp Dual Purpose Hammer Drill
Operator’s Manual
6. Wear cushioned gloves and take frequent rest breaks. Hammer drills can generate considerable vibration when in operation which
may be harmful to your hands and arms.
7. Always check that the trigger lock is “OFF” before plugging the tool into the power source. never leave the trigger
locked in the “On” position when not using the tool. Accidental start-ups may cause personal injury.
8. Do not hold the tool or place your hands near the rotating chuck or drill bit. Contact with any moving parts may result in
personal injury.
9. Always check that the material being drilled is secure and clamped in place if necessary to prevent any movement.
An unstable workpiece can cause the drill bit to bind, causing of control and injury.
10. never hold the workpiece in your hand, lap or against other parts of the body when drilling or hammer drilling.
Contact with the drill bit can cause injury.
11. Always position the cord away from the rotating bit and DO nOT wrap the cord around your arm or wrist. If the cord
is caught by the rotating bit or chuck you may lose control of the hammer drill and become entrapped by the cord, causing personal injury.
12. Know the location and setting of the switch “Lock-On” button. When the switch is locked “ON” during operation, be ready
to immediately switch it “Off” during an emergency situation, by pulling the trigger then releasing it immediately without pressing the
“Lock-On” button.
13. Do not use the switch trigger “Lock-On” in situations where drill bit binding or jamming is likely to occur. (Such
as: striking hidden rebar in concrete, just before the bit breaks through the opposite side of the workpiece, when
using large diameter bits, etc.) When the bit jams or binds reaction torque occurs, causing the drill body to forcibly kick-back or twist in
the opposite direction and releasing the trigger “lock-on” may be difficult.
14. When using the hammer drill DO nOT position yourself between the tool or auxiliary handle and a wall or post. If the
bit jams or becomes bound in the workpiece, the sudden reaction torque of the tool could crush your hand, arm or leg against a stationary object.
15. if the bit jams or binds in the work, immediately release the switch trigger to prevent personal injury. unplug the drill
from the power source and then remove the drill bit from the work. Do not attempt to free the jammed drill bit by repeatedly starting and stopping
the drill motor; this action could result in bodily injury.
16. Do not use dull or damaged bits and accessories. Dull or damaged bits are more likely to bind in the workpiece.
17. Do not use bits larger then those recommended. They are more likely to jam, causing loss of tool control and personal injury. Large
bits may also overload the drill, causing motor and gear damage.
18. When removing the drill bit from the tool avoid contact with skin. Allow sufficient time for the bit to cool down or
use proper protective gloves to handle the bit or accessory. Drill bits and accessories may be hot after prolonged use.
19. Use only percussion-type carbide tipped bits for hammer drilling and do not attempt cutting reinforcing rod with
percussion-type bits.
20. Check the tool and remove any chuck keys or adjusting wrenches before switching the tool “On”. Keys and wrenches
can fly off at high speed striking you or a bystander, causing an injury.
Switch Functions
Always be sure that the tool is switched off and unplugged before adjusting or checking function on the tool.
Before plugging in the tool, always check to see that the switch trigger actuates properly and returns to the “OFF”
position when released.
Your tool is equipped with a variable speed trigger switch. The tool speed is controlled by the amount of pressure you apply to the switch trigger. By
1⁄2” 6 Amp Dual Purpose Hammer Drill
Operator’s Manual
slowly increasing the pressure on the switch trigger, tool speed will gradually increase until reaching maximum rated RPM.
To start the tool, simply pull the switch trigger. Increase tool speed by applying more pressure on the switch trigger.
To stop the tool, release the switch trigger.
The “Lock-On” button is located in the handle of your tool, beside the switch trigger and allows you to continuously operate the drill at a preset RPM
without holding down the switch trigger.
To lock the trigger “On”, pull the switch trigger back fully, depress the “Lock-On” button and release the trigger.
To unlock the trigger, squeeze the trigger back completely then release it without depressing the “Lock-On” button.
Use caution when locking the tool in the “On” position and maintain a firm grasp on the tool.
if the “Lock-On” button is continuously being depressed, the trigger cannot be released.
This feature enables you to preset the tool for a desired RPM when using the “Lock-On” button feature. The tool speed is adjusted by rotating the “speed
control” dial clockwise to increase the speed and counter-clockwise to decrease the speed. Once you have set the speed you desire, when the switch
trigger is completely depressed and the “Lock-On” button engaged, the tool speed will change to the speed you dialed in.
To preset a desired RPM, pull the trigger back completely and engage the “Lock-On” button. Maintain a firm grasp on the running drill with one hand
and use your free hand to rotate the “speed control” clockwise or counter-clockwise until the desired drill speed is reached. Then pull the trigger back
and release it to disengage the “Lock-ON” feature.
Once you’ve dialed in the desired drill speed, when you start the drill and engage the trigger “Lock-On” button the drill will change to the speed you
set with the “speed control” dial.
Located above the trigger is the forward/reverse lever. This lever is designed to allow you to select the direction the drill chuck rotates. for drilling,
hammer drilling and driving screws, the drill is run in the forward or clockwise direction. Reverse or counter-clockwise rotation, is generally used to help
back out a drill bit from a hole and screw removal.
*for forward rotation, move the lever to the right.
*for reverse rotation, move the lever to the left.
(*Note: with the drill chuck pointing away from you)
Do not change the direction of rotation until the tool comes to a complete stop. Moving the “forward/reverse” lever
while the drill chuck is rotating can cause damage to the tool.
Always check the direction of rotation before tool operation.
This drill is not designed for hammering in the reverse or counter-clockwise direction. Failure to comply with this
caution may cause property damage.
The mode selector switch gives you the ability to operate this tool in two different modes. One setting provides rotation only for driving screws and
drilling holes in wood, metal, plastic and other non-concrete material. The rotation only mode is also used for stirring paint, sanding, wire brushing, etc.
The second mode provides rotation and hammering action. Rotation with hammering action gives you the ability to bore holes in concrete, asphalt, tile,
brick or other similar hard materials.
To select the rotation only or drill mode, move the selector switch completely to the right, toward the drill symbol
To select the rotation with hammering action or hammer drill mode, move the selector switch completely to the left, toward the hammer symbol
1⁄2” 6 Amp Dual Purpose Hammer Drill
Operator’s Manual
(NOTE: To engage the hammering mechanism, apply and maintain pressure on the bit. When pressure on the bit is released, the hammering
action will stop and the rotation will continue until the tool is switched off.)
When using the hammer drill mode for drilling into hard material like concrete, we recommend that you use carbide-tipped percussion drill bits.
Always be sure that the tool is switched off and unplugged before adjusting or checking function on the tool.
Always check the direction of rotation before operating the tool in the hammer drill mode. The tool must be set for
forward or clockwise rotation only. Failure to obey this caution may cause property damage.
Do not change the operating mode until the tool has come to a complete stop. Moving the “mode selector” switch
while the drill is operating can cause damage to the tool.
Your Drill is equiped with a five position rotating handle for greater control and manoeuvrability in tight places.
To select a position, pull back on the Black realease button on the top, handle side of the drill.
Inspect the drill bit shank and the drill’s chuck jaws for dirt or foreign matter and clean if necessary. Dirt on the drill bit shank or on the chuck jaws can
cause misalignment or bit slippage during use. Drill bits larger than the hammer drill’s maximum rated capacity may cause the motor to overload and/or
gear damage.
To install a drill bit:
unplug the hammer drill.
Failure to unplug the tool could result in accidental starting causing possible serious injury.
Open the chuck jaws so the opening is slightly wider than the drill bit being installed.
Position the drill so the chuck is pointing upward then insert the drill bit, allowing the bit to rest on the bottom of the chuck. for small bits, insert
the drill bit so that the bottoms of its flutes are even with the top of the chuck jaws.
Center the bit in the jaws and hand tighten the jaws by rotating the chuck collar clockwise, being sure the bit is properly aligned in the chuck jaws.
Insert the chuck key into one of three holes in the chuck, turning the chuck key clockwise to securely tighten the chuck. Do not use a
wrench, pliers, or means other than the chuck key to tighten or loosen the chuck.
To remove the drill bit:
unplug the hammer drill.
Failure to unplug the tool could result in accidental starting causing possible serious injury.
Loosen the chuck by inserting the chuck key into one of the three holes in the chuck and turn it counter-clockwise.
Remove the drill bit from the chuck.
To prevent personal injury, always remove the chuck key from the chuck after each use.
Mounted in your hammer drill auxiliary handle is a metal rod called the depth gauge. Setting the depth gauge gives you the ability to repeatedly drill
holes to the same depth.
1⁄2” 6 Amp Dual Purpose Hammer Drill
Operator’s Manual
To set the depth gauge:
unplug the hammer drill.
Loosen the auxiliary handle and depth gauge by turning the wing nut located beside the depth gauge rod.
Measure backwards from the tip of drill bit the desired depth of holes, and then move the depth gauge so the tip of the gauge is aligned with the
desired drilling depth.
Tighten the auxiliary handle and depth gauge by turning the wing nut clockwise.
Always wear safety goggles or safety glasses with side shields and unplug the tool before changing accessories or
making adjustments. Failure to obey this warning may cause serious personal injury.
Be prepared for a sudden and tremendous twisting force or kick back exerted by the tool. The tendency for the drill to
grab or kick back in the opposite direction is caused by hole breakthrough, the hole becoming clogged with chips or
concrete/masonry dust, or by striking hidden reinforcing bar embedded in the concrete. Always maintain a firm grip
on both the auxiliary handle and switch handle during drilling and hammer drilling operations. Failure to be prepared
may result in loss of tool control and possible serious injury.
Drilling in concrete and masonry products
unplug the drill from the power source:
• Install the desired size drill bit and tighten the chuck.
(Important Note: be sure to use percussion type carbide tipped drill bit)
• Select the “hammer drill” mode.
• Move the forward/reverse lever to the forward position.
• Set the depth gauge if needed and position the auxiliary handle.
• Tighten the wing nut on the auxiliary handle.
• Secure the work piece in a vise, with clamps or other means if necessary to keep the work piece from spinning as the drill bit rotates.
• Mark the location(s) on work piece where the holes are to be drilled.
• Be sure you are wearing appropriate eye protection, hearing protection, and respiratory protection. You may want to wear gloves with padded
palms to minimize vibration to hands and arms.
Before plugging the hammer drill into a power source, make sure it is not in the “locked-on” position and the switch trigger operates properly.
Plug the hammer drill into a power source.
Position the drill bit at the desired location for the hole.
Hold the drill firmly, apply moderate downward pressure and slowly pull the switch trigger.
Keep the tool in position, preventing the drill bit from wandering. (If the hammer drill bounces or “dances” on the work piece, increase the
downward pressure on the drill.)
Increase the drill speed as the hole becomes established, maintaining steady and firm downward pressure. (Do not force the tool or apply side
pressure, which may cause the hole to become elongated.)
To prevent the hole from clogging with dust or chips that bind the drill bit, occasionally pull the bit partially out of the hole while the tool is running to help
clear accumulated debris from the bit flutes. Do not use water to settle the dust since it will clog the bit flutes causing the bit to bind in the hole
If the bit strikes reinforcing bar, stop the tool and remove the bit from the hole. Do not attempt drilling through the reinforcing bar.
When hole is drilled to the desired depth, withdraw the bit from the hole, and turn the drill off by releasing the switch trigger.
After drilling is completed, you may find the hole partially filled with dust. use a “blow-out bulb” or compressed air to clean the dust from the hole.
(Note: use a mask or respirator to prevent inhalation of the dust created by drilling or clearing holes in concrete or similar materials.)
Drilling in wood, composite materials and plastics
Although most “twist” drill bits are designed for drilling into metal, they are the most common bit used for boring holes in wood, wood composites
and plastics. There are many types of drill bits available that may be more appropriate or designed specifically for boring the type of hole you desire.
Additional drill bits to choose from include: spade bits, brad bits, self-feed bits, hole saws, circle cutters, multispur bits and forstner bits, to name just a
few! Woodworking publications and tool supply store personnel are good sources to help you select the drill bit that best satisfies your needs.
With the tool unplugged from its power source:
Install the appropriate bit into the chuck and tighten the chuck.
Slide the mode selector switch to the drill (rotation only) mode.
Place the forward/reverse lever in the forward position.
1⁄2” 6 Amp Dual Purpose Hammer Drill
Operator’s Manual
If not drilling through holes, set the depth gauge to the desired hole depth and tighten the wing nut to secure the depth gauge and auxiliary handle.
Be sure the “lock-on” button is disengaged.
Mark the location(s) on work piece where the holes are to be drilled.
Secure the work piece with clamps or other means.
Wear safety goggles or safety glasses with side shields. Wear a dust mask or respirator to prevent inhalation of wood dust.
To drill the hole:
Plug the tool into the power source.
Place tip of the drill bit on the work piece where the hole is being drilled.
Apply downward pressure and slowly depress the switch trigger.
When using a twist drill, withdraw the bit from the hole frequently to clear built up wood chips from the flutes. Clearing the flutes avoids
overheating the bit and burning the wood.
When drilling plastics use slower speeds to avoid melting the material.
Reduce pressure on the drill just before the bit breaks through the work piece to avoid splintering the wood. (Note: Clamping a backing block to the
work piece will keep the back of the wood from splintering. If not using a backing block when using spade bits and hole saws, reduce pressure as
soon as the bit point breaks through the work piece and complete drilling the hole from the opposite side.)
Drilling in metal
Important Note: Use good quality high-speed steel twist drill bits.
With the drill unplugged, install the bit and perform the pre-drilling checks as stated in the proceeding wood drilling section.
To make starting the hole easier and keep the bit from “walking” on the workpiece, use a center punch to make a small impression in the metal. Place
the drill bit tip into the impression and start the drill by slowly depressing the switch trigger. Apply only enough pressure to keep the bit cutting into the
DO nOT FOrCE the tool. Too much pressure may cause bits to break, resulting in bodily injury. Excessive pressure
will cause bits to overheat, damaging the drill bit. Too little pressure keeps the bit from cutting, dulling the bit edges
due to excessive friction.
If drilling large holes, first drill a smaller hole and then enlarge it to the desired size. using lubricants such as oil on the point will help cool the bit,
increase drilling action and extend drill bit life.
Clamp a backing block to the work piece to prevent binding and distortion when the bit breaks through the metal.
1. Chuck
2. Mode Selector
3. Rear Handle
4. Lock-On Button
5. Trigger Switch
6. Reversing Switch
7. Handle Rotate Release
8. Auxiliary Handle
9. Depth Rod
Two-Year Warranty
This product is warranted free from defects in material and workmanship for 2 years after date of purchase. This limited warranty does not cover normal
wear and tear or damage from neglect or accident. The original purchaser is covered by this warranty and it is not transferable. Please return the tool
to store location of purchase along with your receipt, and you will receive a new drill or a refund. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT WARRANTED IF USED FOR
Toll-Free Help Line:
for questions about this or any other GeNeSIS Product, please call Toll-free: 888-552-8665.
1⁄2” 6 Amp Dual Purpose Hammer Drill
Operator’s Manual
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